How can I benefit from Buteyko Breathing?

Buteyko (Boo-tay-ko) Breathing is a method developed to help slow down breathing, encourage nasal breathing, and improve oxygen in the body. Adults and children both can benefit from Buteyko Breathing Methods.

Breathing Disorders and Health Concerns Improved with Buteyko Breathing

Sleep Apnea and Snoring


COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder

High Blood Pressure


Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression

Buteyko Breathing - Breathing Retraining

Buteyko Breathing is a breathing retraining program to help with breathing disorders and other complications related to breathing disorders. Anyone with asthma, COPD, anxiety, panic disorder, insomnia can benefit from breathing retraining

Stephanie Smith

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